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Welcome to the presentation page for sound therapy self-sessions. 

What is a self-session?

A self-session is a session in which one or more frequencies have been calculated and produced according to various themes (see the menu) that may correspond to the client's needs.


Biotech-Evolving offers various accessible self-sessionsthrough  the proposed formulas in the tabs "INDIVIDUALS" And "COMPANIES".


  • Liberations / Transmutations (liberations from emotional blockages)

  • Deficiencies / Cellular resonance (treatment of the body with frequencies)


  • Stress and well-being at work (prevention of burnout and optimization of brain functions) 

  • Healing Genodics (plant treatments)


So, wherever you are in the world, benefit from the benefits ofsound therapy and find a state of well-being as naturally as possible. 

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