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Welcome to the presentation of the REGERESOUND service, an innovative approach designed to promote the overall well-being and performance of soldiers within the Army and Air Force. In this session, we will explore in detail the components and benefits of REGERESOUND, as well as its potential to meet the complex needs of members of the armed forces.

Principes Fondamentaux:


REGERESOUND repose sur des bases scientifiques solides, combinant des fréquences spécifiques pour traiter un large éventail de besoins, allant de la gestion des émotions aux soins physiologiques. Cette prestation représente la synthèse par Thibaut Maysouète des recherches menées par le Dr. Barbara Hero de l'Institut National du Kennebunk et du Dr. Michel Duhamel de l'Institut Genodics de Paris sur l'effet thérapeutique des fréquences sur la santé mentale et physique. Ces recherches de pointe ont permis de développer une approche novatrice et efficace pour promouvoir le bien-être global des individus, en intégrant les dernières avancées scientifiques dans le domaine de la thérapie par les fréquences.​

1. Understanding the Concept REGERESOUND:​


Definition: REGERESOUND is a comprehensive service that integrates the use of therapeutic sound frequencies to support the physical, mental and emotional health of soldiers.​


Objective: Offer soldiers an effective tool for managing emotions, relieving pain and increasing concentration, while strengthening the vital functions of their body.​

2.Components of the REGENESOUND Session:

  • Preliminary Assessment: Each soldier benefits from an individual assessment to understand their specific needs and adapt the session accordingly.

  • Therapeutic Sound Sessions: Use of specific sound frequencies to induce states of deep relaxation, reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality.

  • Relaxation Techniques: Integrating relaxation techniques such as controlled breathing, visualization and meditation to enhance the beneficial effects of sound frequencies.

3. Advantages and Benefits of the REGENESOUND Session:

  • Improved Mental Well-Being: Reduction of stress, anxiety and mental fatigue, thereby promoting better mental and emotional health.

  • Performance Optimization: Strengthening focus, mental clarity and resilience, resulting in better operational performance.

  • Enhanced Physical Recovery: Reduction of muscle tension, improvement of sleep quality and acceleration of the healing process in the event of an injury.

4. Implementation and Monitoring:

  • Integration into Well-Being Programs: Integration of the REGENESOUND session into existing Army and Air Force well-being support programs.

  • Personalized Tracking: Regular monitoring to assess progress and adjust sessions based on Soldiers' individual needs.



The REGENESOUND session represents a unique opportunity to strengthen the well-being and performance of soldiers within our armed forces. By integrating this holistic approach into our wellness support programs, we demonstrate our commitment to the health and success of our troops.

We are confident that the REGENESOUND session will have a significant impact on the physical and mental health of our soldiers, thereby strengthening our ability to successfully meet operational challenges.

Thank you for your attention.

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